How to preserve memories of a loved one
The passing of a loved one is a real tragedy that takes an incredible amount of strength and time to process and accept. Grief will torment the soul, but gradually the pain will become less and the memory of the deceased person will fade. How do we make sure that the image of someone who was so loved remains in our heart forever?
It is very sad to lose a loved one, but memories of them will never go away. Remember, people will always be alive if they are remembered.
Below you will find some tips on how to keep the memory of your deceased person alive.

1. Stories from Life
Stories, memories, and funny moments are the only things that will stay with you forever. Remember and tell about them as often as possible, it will warm your soul, you will be overwhelmed with nostalgia.
2. Photos and videos
It is best to strengthen memories with photo and video files, it will help you to dive even deeper into those very memories, to remember how the person looked, to feel his presence. Show these recordings to your family, pass on your stories to the younger generation, that way the memories will surely live on.
3. A person’s favorite things
We all have a favorite item, clothing or something along those lines. When a dear person dies, go through their belongings and keep a couple for yourself, in honor of this person. Keep them as heirlooms and pass them on as heirlooms.
4. Traditions in honor of the deceased
Every family has its own traditions. Maybe it’s losing weekend picnics or going camping, maybe it’s celebrating Halloween with all the traditions. All of this can be passed down from generation to generation. It will be a reminder of the person, and this process will awaken memories in your mind.
5. Signature recipe
Do you have a signature family recipe for some dish? Then don’t forget it, cook it when the occasion arises. Teach the recipe to your children, and while cooking tell stories about the person who invented it.
6. Favorite song and movie
Rewatch your favorite movies and listen to songs from the person who passed away. It’s another way to feel nostalgic and remember that person, to be in the company of them for a few minutes and listen to a favorite creation.
7. A Lifetime Achievement
Did the deceased person have a favorite hobby collecting stamps? Or maybe collecting something? Don’t abandon his or her labors, continue to develop and maintain the accumulated experience. Maybe your children will like this hobby. So you will not only keep the memory, but also continue to make the history of the person.
8. Tattoos in honor of the deceased
Tattoos are not just pretty pictures adorning your body. Each person brings something personal to it. A tattoo can also commemorate a person who has left this world. Many people tattoo their family, friends, dates of birth and death, favorite pets. This is on par with a photo that will always be with you.
Some also take a responsible approach to the choice of a place for the tattoo. Someone does the tattoo under the heart, or in places near it: on the ribs, collarbones. Some want to see a reminder of the person often and leave a mark of the deceased on their hands, feet, or fingers.
9. Visit the burial place of the deceased
If you miss a person very much, go to the cemetery. You don’t have to go on certain days, go whenever your soul asks. Bring fresh flowers, candles, favorite things in life. Talk to him as when he was alive, tell him about your affairs and you will feel better.
10. Cremation and storage of ashes
Cremation is a popular way to memorialize the deceased. Ashes are stored in special urns. Such urns can be made to order, choose the material and shape you want. An urn with ashes can be stored permanently in the house, or you can fulfill the will of the deceased and on a certain day, scatter his ashes in the ocean, for example, or run with fireworks.

Options for using the ashes
To immortalize a person, you can use modern methods. So, it is possible to use ashes in the creation of vinyl records, precious jewelry, paintings! Today, it is possible to incorporate ashes into any object!
And of course, the most popular way to continue the memory, to immortalize the person is to plant a tree covered with ashes, as our remains are absorbed by other living creatures and plants as well. There are also biodegradable urns that can help speed up the process! They contain tree seeds that will sprout after planting, and as they grow, the roots will receive nutrients from the remains.